Goals for 2012 and early 2013

 Their will be other events throughout the year, and training goals that can be seen. The actual goals that I strive to meet though are listed below. I want to keep a focus on improving my bike and swim. I will try to improve my run with lots of speed, but do not have any intention of exercising it on race day. After knowing I could run a marathon in 4:00 for AZ 2011, but only getting a 4:40 I am now taking a more cautious approach to the run portion. I am adjusting to a new found life of having an infant to look after and how it affects my training. I want to do well in November, but my highest goal is to qualify for the Boston marathon in February 2013 wearing Wheaties orange.

Soma Half Ironman 2012
October 21st, 2012 (Going to a close friends wedding the night before, so no real goal time, just a training day for me in a race format)

Ironman Arizona
Weight of 180 for the race
 A total time of 11:30
 Swim of 1:10
 Bike of 5:45 (21.33 mph)
Run of 4:00 (9:09 per mile)
Side note of preparing to do PF Chang Rock N'Roll Marathon
January 20th, 2013
Weight of 170 for the race
3:00 (6:52 per mile)
IMS Arizona Marathon February17th, 2013
The real attempt to qualify for the Boston marathon
Weight of 170 for the race
3:00 (6:52 per mile)