Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day from Sacramento

Happy Mothers day to all the ladies out there. A big thank you to all the women for the role you play in helping us all grow to be who we are, couldn't do it without you. A big thank you to my beautiful bride for being 7 1/2 months into incubating my little boy to be on this mothers day.

As pictured below, out in Sacramento this is a good occasion to come out to the river and sit along the beach partying it up. I particularly like the circa 1970's house boat siting along the beach in the bottom left o the picture. Nothing says thanks like some cold ones and a cool dip in the water. This particular picture was taken in the middle of my great run this morning. This was the kind of run that makes you feel like you are actually progressing. I got 7 hours of sleep last night, woke up ate 2 lara bars and had a cup of coffee before heading outside with intentions of a 10 mile run.

Lately whenever I run with anyone else they shoot out of the gate like a rabbit in the greyhound races and it kills me. Knowing myself I am a slow starter, strong finisher. I don't like 3 mile run's because I am just warming up as they are finishing. That being said, I started out the gate and as in other Sacramento runs moseyed through a tunnel, towards old town and crossed the train station. I then turned right and followed the path for 4.5 more miles before turning around. At the 2 miles mark the run turns into a serene path similar to the canals in Phoenix. There were bikers and runners every few minutes. Tree's surrounded both sides and overhang the road providing great shade. There were several forks in the road and I just kept picking whatever path continued straight. I would love to try some of the turns next time, but I didn't want to get lost and only had enough water to do the exact distance I planned.

Above is pictured a good view of what the road looked like when the tree's only overhung half the road. If you look closely you can see the there is a two foot dirt path on either side of the road for those that want to save their knee's, or just get out of the cyclists way. Pictured above is actually the turn around point, where my Garmin just told me I had gone 5 miles. I ran the previous half mile with a rock in my shoe and chose to stop here and get it out before the equal 5 mile trek back. I started with just under a ten minute mile and each mile got stronger finishing at about 9:05 the last one. This included my walking every two miles for the water breaks. I couldn't be happier with that after barely finishing two weeks ago and having to walk the last 2 miles of a six mile run at home this week.

All in all I loved this run and can't wait for my next overnight here to try it again. It was peaceful, there was lots of traffic and everyone was friendly. After the run I came up to my room, ironed my things for the day and put in another 30 minutes on the stationary bike. Don't I look happy in my Wheaties Fuel shirt enjoying my mothers day on the road. I loved this run and didn't want to miss out on all the festivities of Mothers day with my wife doing church and the Cheesecake factory with her family, so I enjoyed a brunch at the Holiday in I stayed at. If you have been reading this and noticed that for the third time in a row I countered a workout with a huge meal, then yes I am eating well these days. The buffet lunch was fantastic with cutting stations, coffee, banana french toast, carrot cake and lemon bars. I had a made to order omelet and enjoyed every bit of it.

This was an awesome Mother's day 2012 for having to be on the road. Thank you to all the mothers in my life one more time, and thank you to Holiday Inn in Sacramento for a great brunch.


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